The latest plan for launching the new boat, hopefully in 2016, is to move it north out of the net loft onto a platforn,
then west down a ways to the water. An old generator is in the way so we are moving it.
151005_1221.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Defunct yellow generator needs to go
| 151005_1220.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Chain hoist, block and tackle make easy pulling
| 151006_1225.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 The very heavy engine block being hauled to the side
151006_1226.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Off it goes
| 151006_1231.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Block and a lot of weight out of the way
| 151006_1234.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Now just the trailer to move
151006_1237.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Trailer as far as it will go until we take down the tree
| 151007_1239.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Logger Pete cut off the alder but it hung up on its stump
| 151007_1240.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Pull the alder off its stump? Nah.
151007_1242.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Alder on the ground thanks to chain hoist and block and tackle
| 151007_1246.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Lowering the alder stump
| 151007_1247.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Generators, man and salmon berry
151007_1248.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Two alders on the left have to go so the generator trailer can be moved down toward the beach
| 151009_1276.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Get a line around the alder to pull it to a better position
| 151011_1301.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Lopping salmon berry that's in the way
151011_1302.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Haul to where it's easier to cut
| 151011_1311.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Alder makes decent firewood
| 151011_1305.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2015 Generator graveyard